Bring it to the Office

A 5.5 month group leadership program for women who wish that some things at work would change and are ready to find a better way to satisfy that desire without launching into a job search, going back to school, or exerting more energy than you have to.

Welcome to

Bring it to the Office

a 5.5 month leadership development program


  • 5.5 month group program (June 6 through November 15)

  • 2 group meetings per month

  • 3 1:1 sessions with me over the course of our 6 months together

  • Lots of templates and resources to sustain you as you align your work practices with your values, beliefs, and aspirations (e.g. email explaining why you’re not going to a meeting, meeting agendas that align with your process, scripts for hard conversations)



$200 to sign up and $350 for 5 months or $2,000 total.

** Because I value diversity and want to be mindful of the role that systemic oppression has played in the lives of folks who identify as being part of a historically under-supported or marginalized population, I offer an Equity & Diversity rate (of $200/month, $100 sign up).