Why isn’t this technology making work easier?
To really understand the relationship between soft infrastructure and hard infrastructure requires a shift in paradigms. One that goes from we have all of these processes, why aren’t they working efficiently to we have all of these processes, what can we learn from how they are working right now.
Is work feeling frustrating and off? Here are some questions to ask yourself.
Is it you or is it your organization?
A lot of times, when things feel off at work, it feels like you have a handful of options.
1) go on vacation and hope when you get back things will feel different;
2) talk to your boss about how to make things different, maybe they can help;
3) learn more about yourself and adapt to what is feeling off,
4) try to change the workplace so that it feels less off, or
5) quit.
My Definition of Boundaries
I think the word “boundaries” is a really loaded term. It’s thrown around constantly, there are so many different definitions, and honestly it can seem like a pretty crunchy word. Like, if you’re into boundaries you’re probably also into not shaving your legs, drinking lots of soy milk, and living without electricity.
The good-bad news about making the workplace more human.
My “Discovery” of Brene Brown”
When Brene Brown’s book Dare to Lead came out in 2018, I didnt know much about her (even though my mom had gifted me at least 2 of her books in the last handful of years). I quickly consumed her whole book. I was IN LOVE with the idea of brave leadership (over armored leadership).
How Becoming a Mom Changed my Relationship with Work
Recently I’ve come to realize how pivotal becoming a parent has been in my journey toward equilibrium and my relationship to work.
Why I created “Bring it to the Office”
Here is what I know to be true (for me). The workplace offers SO many possibilities for making the world better. And when I say better, I mean to create solutions that we never thought possible, that can change the world in large scale ways (hello, climate change or women’s health) and also “small scale” ways (folks finding a true sense of purpose, and being able to utilize their particular genius in a way that feels fulfilling, and generally finding a place where they feel peace).
Why does work feel bad? Why thinking about choices at the office could be helpful.
So I have this one pet peeve. I wonder if this has happened to you.
It’s a gorgeous day outside or the day before a holiday, and my boss walks by my office, as he does, props himself in the doorway to my office. We chat about spouses and the weather for a minute, then talk about current projects. As he goes to walk away, he says “it’s gorgeous outside (almost the holiday, whatever), you’ve been working hard lately, why don’t you go home early today?”
Why Life Coaching can be a transformational toolbox …
Why Life Coaching can be a transformational toolbox for anyone who manages people, works with people, or shares data or wants to use data on a regular basis?
Equilibrium and the myth of balance
What you’ll learn about me is that I love to “work backwards,” which is why I’m going to start at the end, but promise I’ll get to where I’m going.
When I zoom way out and look at life as a whole I see that it can be divided into roughly four categories.
How do we make “not doing” more common?
As some of you know, my last day at my “job” (you know where an organization pays me, and for my benefits, gives me time off, that kind of jazz). As my first offering in my newly found entrepreneurial freedom, Meghan O’Malley my friend and mentor were offering an inspiration, collaboration and magic workshop called Spark - igniting magic in “the plan.” It was going to be January 3 at 1 pm (TODAY, the day I am writing this post).
Then Omicron hit.