Join us!

congruent terrain

A 3 month group program that will help you chart a sustainable work/life ecosystem

Are you ready for work to feel at least 5% better?

This program is meant for folks who:

  • Are ready to look at work from a new perspective

  • Are looking for a community of folks who want to work differently

  • Aren’t ready to leave their job, but need it to feel different

  • Are intrigued by the idea of quiet quitting but not sure where to start

  • Want more flow in their worklife

Welcome to

congruent terrain

a three month program to help you build a sustainable work/life ecosystem

A collaboration between context matters and canon collaborative!

What would it feel like to:

  • Set boundaries at work that honor your capacity without fear of being seen as weak or unproductive

  • Have hard conversations that allow you to advocate for yourself (and others) and feel more free, aligned, and alive at work.

  • Not spend your time on LinkedIn wishing and dreaming that there is something better out there.


How often have you left work on a Friday relieved that you have the next 48 hours to put your needs first, only to spend them googling dream vacations, a mental health retreat or scouring LinkedIn to find a job that feels better, less draining, or that finally feels satisfying?

What does it look like to work differently? It can look all sorts of ways! For example

  • Feeling comfortable and calm about using PTO, especially before you leave

  • Feeling like your email inbox can wait

  • Feeling in control of your meetings (including those ones that you regularly dread)

Maybe, at this moment it doesn’t feel like your relationship with your current job could even feel 3% better.

Of course you feel that way.

The opportunities that you have been given to make things feel better might not be meant for you.


I dream of a workspace for you:

  • That allows you room to honor your process, pace, and needs;

  • That doesn’t leave you fleeing to LinkedIn, or dream vacation googling;

  • That allows you to prioritize what’s important for you in any given moment; and

  • Where you know where you belong.


If you have been feeling like “why does my work even matter,” “why am I here,” “what’s the point (of my job),” “I don’t belong here (at work),” I want to invite you into another perspective - you do belong and there is room to create a new relationship with your work. 

we created this program:

to unpack the ways that you work (e.g. write emails, sit in meetings, show up at the office, work from home, communicate with your co-workers, boss, or employees, set goals, and all the other things that make up your working day)


make space for the interpretations, feelings, and experiences, that might not have “fit” or resonated with folks. AND to do that without having to quit your job, get a new degree, or exert a whole lot of energy.


We’re not promising that your work can become your best friend, but invite you to explore a new pathway that does not leave you feeling empty at the end of the day. 

We cannot promise that your boss, organization, or company will change. We do offer you the opportunity to not only have the space and support to get clear on what you need from those people and situations to prioritize you and your needs, but also systems, evidence, and tools that will help you implement, do, and be whatever you need.

The Details

Starts October 20.

Program includes

  • Community!

  • Radical reframing of our work and higher contribution

  • Individualized self-care plan for the next phase of work-life

  • CliftonStrengths, Human Design, and Enneagram elemental awareness

We will cover topics like:

  • Ebb and flow of our strength in movement

  • Unique context of our self-care strategies

  • Our world without perfect alignment

We will meet for 75 minutes on

October 20 & 27, November 3 & 17 and December 8 & 22 at 12 EST/11 CST/9 PST

 At the end of our three months together, you will walk away with:

  • A support network of other badass ladies who are committed to not working so hard to be seen or heard at work, setting boundaries, and feeling more satisfaction at work;

  • A clear picture of the practices and routines that align with your highest and best self at work;

  • Resources tailored to you that will help sustain you through hard conversations and tough situations at work;

  • A renewed feeling of ease and satisfaction from your work;

  • A felt experience of how to create safety for yourself at work, so advocating for yourself will feel like second nature;

  • Greater access to your own intuitive knowing and inner guidance system at work (uncoupled from all the “shoulds” and “that’s how we do it heres”); and

  • A level of freedom and sovereignty at work beyond what your organization, co-worker, or boss might say or do.