Conscious Calendar

Helping rebel changemakers prioritize the parts of your life that matter.

Do you want your life to feel different?

Do you tell yourself, I wish that I had time for (fill in the blank)?

Maybe you want to

  • have more time for a side hustle

  • get more done during work hours so that you can spend more time with your kids

  • go to the gym more often

  • feel more time freedom (your days are just too booked!)

Maybe you are in therapy

Maybe you are working with a coach

You’ve read all sorts of books, articles, and you follow a lot of helpful instagram account.

I promise that this approach is totally different and will help accelerate your progress.

Your time is your most precious resource.

We can talk about how we want our time to look and feel BUT the best indicator of our time is what we do with it.

This unique offer provides you with

  • an outside analysis of not only how you use your time (in charts and graphs!)

  • a map of the demands on your time (your capacity, those things for which you feel responsible)

  • a map of these things (time & capacity) to the underlying beliefs that are holding you back from using your time the way that you want and living your best life!

It’s an exploration of your time AND SO MUCH MORE!

Regular price - $1,000; Price through 12/31/2023 - $500

For $1,000 (currently $500), you get a 10+ page custom report with individualized worksheets.

For an additional $250, you can add on 2 additional coaching sessions, to provide you with accountability and support in implementing report recommendations and processing how to live your life and use your time differently.

I’ve been trying to figure out how to make things “better” since I was 2, which means I’ve been trying to make the most use of my time since I don’t know when.

I cannot tell you how many times a week I spend stuck at my computer wishing that I was being more productive.

Maybe you’re like me and have a shelf full of books on personal growth and time management.

Maybe you’ve tried time boxing or love your daily to do list practice.

The reality of most personal growth and professional development advice is that often time management strategies  work … for some people … in certain situations … with particular family structures. Many of them work-- sometimes and in some ways.

Couple this with the fact that we’ve culturally been given a rule book that tells us what it looks like to be good with our time.

And what it looks like to be bad with our time

The unfortunate part is that when we can’t fit the mold, we end up throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

And guess what?

We’re the baby that we’re throwing out.

The unique quirks and traits that we throw out are the things that make us most productive and efficient.

Too often we dismiss key information about how to be our most productive because we are afraid that we are just doing it wrong and focus too much on how we can most ideally manage our time.

For only $750 and less than 5 hours of your time, this package will help you feel more confident in how you are using your time AND be able to get more done.

This package is part individualized assessment and part coaching. It is meant for you if

  • you want to manage your time more effectively or efficiently AND

  • feel more satisfied with how you are spending time AND

  • generally less frustrated at what you feel like you “should” be doing.

In this package you get:

  • 2 - 1:1 sessions where we talk about your time, time management, and what you want your time to look like

As well as

  • a comprehensive time report that outlines

    • how you experience time. for instance, where does it slow down, where does it speed up?

    • your capacity or mental load - the “stuff” you carry around in your brain or in your life that affects your time.

    • your time distribution - the percentage of time you spend on things during a given week

*a note about accountability. Some people love accountability, for others it has felt more like a punishment. We believe

  • in an accountability of care, where we keep track of the things that we care about and contextualize when things aren’t going well to understand that.

  • there is no wrong way to manage your time.

What this looks like

Session 1 - I interview you about your time, what your days generally look like, what you wish they looked like. I get to know a little bit about you

Post session 1 - I develop a custom plan to help you collect information about your days across 7-10 days. You share any digital or paper calendars with me.

Before session 2 - you track your time for 7-10 days

Session 2 - We discuss your 10 + page custom report with individualized worksheets.

Cost - $750

Currently $500 (until the end of 2023)

How much time every day, week or month do you spend feeling overwhelmed with how much you have to do, wishing that you had more time to get through your to do list?

Are you a leader or a supervisor?

This package will also help you understand how to better support your staff. Like on the airplane as leaders, we have to put on our oxygen mask first. This process focuses on understanding what time looks like for you and then managing it from there, instead of implementing one particular time management solution.

You’ve heard the saying you can give a man a fish, but if you teach him how to fish, he’ll be able to feed himself for a lifetime. This package will teach you how to identify patterns and examples of time management strategies that have been hidden or inaccessible so that you can create a plan that works not only for you, but you can also help your staff do so as well.

For only $750, you can feel confident that you are using your time effectively, feel measurably less stressed, and have the support so that you have at least one less thing to manage in your head.

Ready to feel better about how you spend your time?