A guide to equilibrium
Equilibrium is understanding that not everything will get done, and that actually the real work is learning why you might feel like it all has to get done in the first place.
Is it because that’s what makes you feel like you’re good enough - where you get your self esteem? It sure was for me. Doing all the things right all the time and doing more of them than was required was the thing that I could hold onto as proof that I was good enough.
And I’ve buried the lede.
Equilibrium is the antidote to burnout. By learning the tools to help you find and maintain equilibrium you are not only shedding that burnout but equipping yourself to recognize it in the future.
You probably need to spend more time taking care of yourself than you think.
In living equilibrium I’ve found It’s incredibly freeing. I feel calmer, more stable, and more resilient.
Explore how to recognize burnout in your own life in the workbook below.
Dig deeper.
We have created a course, or maybe rather an experience where we share things we have learned along the way, tools that we have read about, tools that we have found helpful, space to share and validate the range of experiences that we all have.
Part of this course is learning what is required for your baseline state of equilibrium. In other words, what do you need to feel like all your areas (work, family, persona, administration) are working together in a way that feels good for you. Looking for your balance. It might not be 25%, 25%, 25%.
It’s important because it helps us maintain our the belief in ourselves even when pressed by outside opposition. It helps us hold on to our boundaries, it helps us maintain self-assuredness, and it helps us to keep/make connection with others.