Mapping out Connection in the Evolving Work Space(s)

The last several years have been tough on your people

This is evident in the ongoing and looming fear of resignation, burnout, and concern over well-being. Leaders, managers, and employees alike are finding themselves in new and uncharted situations while trying their best to be diligent and accountable to changing demands.

Have you found yourself:

  • Delivering a presentation when your child has COVID in the next room

  • Wondering if you are wasting your time on a project after changing strategy for the 5th time

  • Knowing that you need time off but just can’t bring yourself to find the time to take it

  • Watching your employees struggle with “simple” tasks and know that there is an important deadline coming up

  • Hiring someone that has little relevant experience because the hiring pool was shallow and you need someone in that seat

And these changes aren’t going anywhere, as we know too well.

We are at a historic time where it is possible to reimagine organizational design to be

people-centered, resilient, and agile and bring life to organizational mission and vision.

Our Mapping Out Connection Package provides you with a blueprint of what your company looks like right now - in terms of your business AND people strategies, as well as things that often are overlooked or are hard to put your finger on like

  • employee strengths and opportunities (in a manner that feels empowering, truthful, and connected with folks’ everyday experiences)

  • alignment (or misalignment) between your business practices and the mission and vision of your organization

  • where business practices are getting in the way of more aligned (and successful) team outcomes

Our Organic Analysis and Human Blueprint


will provide you with a clear picture of what this ongoing change can look and feel like when it is connected to the core mission, vision, and culture.

Through understanding the organic composition of human strength in your organization and the ecosystem in which they live, we support building resilience by connecting this lived human energy to your organizational development, professional development, and culture strategies.

An exciting collaboration between

  • Amanda Bell, PhD

    context matters founder, researcher and organizational consultant

  • Christine BIzzell, MBA

    Canon Collaborative Founder, Gallup StrengthsFinder guru and organizational consultant

Do you have a sense of what connection looks like in your organization?

  • How your team members are connected to each other? How they are able to connect their work?

  • How your work is related to the mission of the organization?

  • Does it involve a performance review or an “all hands” or full staff meeting?

How would it feel to be confident that connection, as a feeling of trust and mutual understanding interwoven through interpersonal relationships and projects, was a tangible and inclusive part of your job? (and that it looks different for different people)

Research is showing that connection and belonging are integral to a successful and satisfying work experience. At the same time, how many folks do you think have had to deliver a presentation while their child has COVID in the next room (or maybe they have COVID themselves)? Connection and dealing with the next wrinkle in your week are not often talked about at the same time.

Mapping out connection with us will provide you with a picture of what your organization looks like right now in terms of business practices, teamwork, and cultural norms. This will help us strengthen your teams and structure business and cultural practices in your organization on top of a strong foundation of what exists, rather than what we want to exist or what we know can exist eventually.

This work involves

  • Emails, calendars, reports

    Observations & Interviews

    Gallup Q12 Engagement Survey

    CliftonStrengths interviews + combination coaching

  • Analysis and reporting are based on the community action research process, integrating interpretations and experiences of your community into the analysis.

    Final Organic Analysis & Human Blueprint report customized for your organization based on the data collected.

What it looks like:

First we will talk with you about what you know about your organization and what sorts of information you have about it (e.g. your teams, your practices, and your culture). Even if you read this and think “we have nothing” or “we have a lot but it’s done us nothing.”

Our goal is to talk with you and your teams about what work looks like at your organization: things like, 

  • what your last meeting looked like, yes, we love to see an agenda, AND we want to hear different perspectives of the flow of meeting

  • when was the last time that you had a question for a colleague, what did it look like to follow up with them

  • who do you go to when you have a question about something like taking parental leave or how to handle when you haven’t heard back from a colleague and you’re facing a steep deadline

  • and always, we like hearing about folks’ experiences of taking time off

We will construct a plan for data collection that fits your organization’s particular needs.

We might also send your team a survey. Especially if that sounds exciting to you and your team.

Everyone will take the Gallup StrengthFinder Assessment. Christine will meet with each team member and talk about their unique combination of strengths in a Spark Session. 

Then Christine and Amanda will compile, synthesize, and analyze all of this information. This analysis will provide an initial snapshot of your organization that we will share with you. This typically looks like a 90 minute conversation/facilitated discussion with us and your team. 

We then will build a blueprint that outlines your organization’s business and people practices (e.g. what exists in practice, what is written in policy and other manual type documents, and where there are opportunities and strengths for your organization to strengthen your teams, help individuals thrive, and amplify the success of your business practices).

*This description is meant to be an overview of a typical engagement. Each organization is different.

How do you feel about metrics?

Maybe your boss loves them? Maybe you love them? Maybe you hate them?

How about a metric for connection? Sounds fun? Horrible?

In this hybrid workplace world, where employees care more than ever about their values, the values of the organization and how they connect

connection is more important than ever.

In this work together we will map out connections in your organization.


Base Cost based on size of organization

4-10 Team Members $5,000

11-20 Team Members $10,000

21+ Team Members - email us 


$1,500 per employee

For example, an organization with 14 employees woulds pay 



14 x $1,500 = $21,000 

for a Total of 


Have you ever been in a training, at camp, or professional development that involved trust falls?

It’s likely that many of us have been in team building activities. So often team building can seem like it’s pretty straight forward. 

Queue the scene from any sports movie, A League of Their Own, or …. Where the team rallies together, overcomes their disorganization, and beats the # 1 team. Team building is easy right?

We believe that there is so much complexity and nuance. That is why we map out the nuance and the in between that already exists so that you have an understanding of the foundation on which your team is building. 

Our greatest hope for everyone is that they will walk away with

  • A more tangible feeling of how things are connected in the organization

  • An expansive experience of what it feels like to work together

  • A plan for integrating teamwork into business practices