More about Allie Ellenbogen

Allie has over ten years of experience working in data analysis and assessment in both nonprofit and higher education institutions. Her focus has been cultivating community-led research practices to ensure non-dominant voices are heard and prioritized. Her skills in synthesis, context gathering, and communicating assessment results in a people-centric way help clients make meaningful change in their organizations and communities.

She has collaboratively developed assessment and reporting tools for use across over 70 departments at a single higher education institution. As part of that process she managed the implementation by overseeing data collection, guiding departments through utilization of data for change, and sharing the ensuing impact on students with multiple campus community audiences.

Allie has extensive experience developing survey instruments to be used for the measurement of a

range of topics. Including, but not limited to: sense of belonging, student engagement, programmatic impact on alumni, student learning, and the influence of program interventions on participants. In survey development she pairs sound methodologies with the collection of actionable data so individuals, departments, and organizations can make change and measure their progress in doing so.

Through her work on surveys Ms. Ellenbogen developed and implemented a collaborative analysis process across an entire university that prioritizes marginalized experiences with a lens for change-making. Through an innovative process of including participants in the research process she and her team were able to develop more impactful insights and innovations. She has experience in interviewing, leading focus groups, and facilitating conversations about data that help stakeholders enact real change. Her passion is in connecting results to action. 

Ms. Ellenbogen is the master of logistics at Context Matters. She makes sure that our aspirations align with the practical steps we need to execute them. She has skills in organizing  data collection with minimal impact on participants, is thoughtful about participant communication, and works to ensure that all i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed. I love helping organizations figure out what is important to them and measure their progress in getting there.

In addition to her work at Context Matters, Allie currently serves as board chair for Babies Need Bottoms, a diaper bank working to end diaper need in Western North Carolina. As a mother of two young children, when she’s not working you can likely find her at a play date or on the floor playing with fire trucks. In her personal life, she’s particularly passionate about issues that advance women’s equity and empowerment like parental leave, the unseen work of mental load, and access to affordable childcare.