1:1 Support

Let’s make work feel good to you

Different folks have different relationships to work.

Some talk about living to work, others working to live.

Right now, more than ever, folks are questioning the ways that we’ve worked by quitting their jobs. A record number of folks have quit their jobs. Yes, folks are quitting but that’s really not the most important part of this story.

Folks are choosing themselves over their job when the conditions involve things like overworking, compassion fatigue, and burnout.

Folks are asking for flexibility, to work from home, for their employer to recognize that they also have childcare duties or that the last two years have taken a toll on them.

Yes, taking care of ourselves is important AND as we do so, it is also time to figure out what flexibility and prioritizing yourself looks like in the workplace. We are at a historic time where it is possible to reimagine our relationship to work recognizing the systemic barriers that have often been upheld as norms in our workplace.

What does it look like to reimagine your relationship to work?

It can look like

  • not feeling like you have to work so hard all the time,

  • figuring out how to navigate that nagging feeling about work where you’re just not that into it (or maybe you are and you want to do more!), or

  • feeling ok about the fact that you work 5 hours a day instead of 8 (or whatever number is right for you) or

  • maybe you just need to survive the longest month of the year.

I can help you live out your best, ideal, never even thought it was possible work “life” AND feel successful at home and work!

“I started working with Amanda at a time when I was a bit lost about what next steps to take in life.

After each session, I felt empowered and confident to make change happen. Amanda helped me break down self-imposed barriers and ideas and act in a way that I am proud of today.”

Have you felt like:

  • t

    he traditional career path (whatever that looks like for you) doesnt feel good?

  • you’ve played the game and it hasn’t gotten you where you want to be or helped you feel the way you want to feel?

  • you want more from work but are finding yourself just doing what you have to because it feels like there are no other options?

  • you see the problematic behaviors in the workplace and aren’t always sure what the next best step is for you?

  • you are tired of having to expend so much energy navigating the workplace in a way that feels good to you?

Have you:

  • r

    ead a book or two on leadership or management? 

  • wanted to make a difference in the way you do your work or help your organization do their work? Maybe you have even found some awesome insights

Do you still feel tired of trying to find a way to navigate work in a way that feels good to you and wonder if this is just what its “supposed” to feel like?

Do you want more?

Does this sound like you? You aren’t looking for a magical overnight career transformation. you long to feel peace, belonging, and passion at work without having to sacrifice parts of yourself or leave vital parts of themselves “at home.”

Knowing the context of work has helped me NOT feel so “out there” at work. It helps me feel more confident. I’ve learned that work practices were created for a reason and then 50 years later, we’re still using them, AND the original reason isn’t even in the picture anymore. 

It can feel hard to want things to be different at work, especially when it feels like you’re the only one or in a small minority of folks who want things to be different. I was there. That was me. 

I know what worked for me, let’s figure out what you need to feel better about work.

 How it works

Our work moves through three phases

(1) Take stock - we talk about what is real for you in your work right now

(2) Dream - what do you want work to feel like? What possibilities around work make work feel better

(3) Implement - we work together to try out different ways for you to approach your work

Because this work is about you - we go at your pace. It’s about what works for you.

The Details!

you have two fabulous options

monthly $400 for 4 or more months

This package is for folks who are ready to shift things at work

  • 2 sessions for 60 minutes

  • In - between session support via email, text, and/or marco polo

single session - $300

This package is for folks who are ready to see things at work from a different perspective and feel some relief that there is possibility to an issue that you can’t seem to shake.

  • one 90 minute session

In our call, we will get to know each other a little bit. I want to hear about what you want to shift and what support looks like for you. I will tell you a little bit about what it looks like to work together and answer any questions that you might have.